While these species are native to Asia and Eastern Australia, many new types of Alocasia hybrids have been created all over the world and kept as decorative houseplants. But, you can put your plant anywhere you want. 3. Leaf Color. But be careful, Alocasias are poisonous and are best kept away from pets and kids. In this article, we look at our favorite monstera varieties, with names and picture identification for each! Jewel Alocasia is one of the most popular varieties of Alocasia because it is super easy to take care of and not very difficult to find. The leaves of Colocasia are seen to droop downwards. If your plant has small leaves or slow growth then it needs more fertiliser. This is probably one of the most defining features you can immediately tell if either one is an Alocasia or a Giant Philodendron. It grows in partial-full shade to fill the darker spots in your garden. Better known as the Alocasia Polly, this type of Alocasia features dark green, V-shaped leaves with thick, protruding primary veins that are light green. While both Monstera and Philodendron belong the the Araceae family, they are two different plant species. These have a more silvery color to the leaves and typically sprout many more leaves than the dragon scale variety. Depending on your interior dcor, you can choose between a hanging (vining) Philodendron or an upright Philodendron variety. Many home gardeners love how low-maintenance these plants are, but they bring diversity to your garden or plant collection. Sometimes, the underside also has a reddish tint that makes it especially unique in the Alocasia family. Over time, the spots may combine or enlarge to form blotches. These leaves appear to float about the base of the plant, like stingrays swimming in the aira truly unique sight. The leaves are silvery-white with a dark green and almost black-looking outlined vein. If the plants grow in brighter light conditions, the leaf color tends to be better. Alocasia Dragon Scale is undoubtedly my favorite Alocasia, and one of my most treasured houseplants. All About Gardening 2023 All Rights Reserved. Another name for this stout, evergreen climber, is the red-leaf Philodendron. Anything lower than 60F (15C) can cause drooping of foliage and even death. However, because Anthuriums grow in the moss and leaf litter of tree branches in their native environments, they prefer something more akin to an orchid mix. It has moderate watering requirements, disliking overwatering but also chronic underwatering. All Alocasias need high humidity levels of no less than 60%. Ideally, the sunlight should never shine directly on the foliage. This variety of Alocasia looks pretty standard, with heart-shaped green leaves and long stems. Depending on how the light shines on the leaves, the Philodendron plant can look dark green, light green, or bronze. This variety needs a little less light and can survive in lower light conditions. But if you live in a temperate or dryer climate, you can still keep these beautiful houseplants in your home. Always water your green, leafy plant by thoroughly soaking or drenching the soil. The stems are thin and long, but they support large dark green leaves you would expect to encounter in the jungle. Add a bit of diluted fertilizer monthly during the growing season to keep your plant growing in top shape. Read on to find out how many types of Alocasia plants there are and learn more about some of the most common varieties. As mentioned, these huge plants can grow up to 15 feet tall. True to the Aolcasias appearance, their large foliage also has bolded silver veins and is propped on erect petioles. 15 Types of Alocasia Plants Rare & Popular Varieties. The undersides of the leaves are maroon. Alocasia Mahani, which also has the same scientific name as its common name, grows small in stature. This lovely houseplant is a bit more rare compared to other more mainstream plants, but it's quite beautiful, and can be a wonderful addition to an indoor garden. Alocasia has a distinctively different colored central vein while Giant Philodendron doesnt. Other species of Philodendron need brighter light but protected from direct sunlight. One of the simpler Alocasia varieties, the Cucullata can still impress with its elegant stalks and heart-shaped leaves. Therefore, while the Selloum has gone for size, the Philodendron Xanadu has gone for beauty. Whatever your interior dcor, there is a type of Philodendron to suit your taste. Keep the thermostat above 60F (15C) and this shouldn't happen. Their stems do not need much support to be stable. The plant can grow to a massive fifteen feet under the right tropical conditions, but you can expect it to be around three feet in your home garden. Due to this familial connection, they share many common features but they are different plants. If you have a hard time picking out an Alocasia for your home, youre probably not alone. HYBRID SUMMARY: Originally known as Alocasia x amazonica, this hybrid name was never validly registered and has been confirmed to be of horticultural origin. Giant Alocasia taros are one of the biggest and fastest growing amongst the Alocasia genus. The main difference between the two plants is in the leaf characteristics. It can reach a length of around 4-6 feet indoors, and allowed to grow freely. The plant is native to east and southeast Asia. Better known as the black magic plant, the leaves are a dark shade of purple, almost black, and have an intense shine. This plant will add elegance and glamour to your home. Another difference between these two philodendrons is their leaf color. Heartleaf philodendron is commonly grown in hanging baskets, dish gardens and as groundcover in larger planters. Humidity: philodendron likes high humidity, between 60 and 80%!Mist spray it regularly or use a saucer as a "water tank" to keep humidity high. Has slightly taller leaves than that of the alocasia Polly. Wash the leaves regularly . Moonligh cultivar has lime green leaves and is non climbing type of philodendron. . This species of Philodendron is related to the heartleaf plant and has leaves of a similar shape. You will rarely find it in wild. It is also one of the easiest to grow and care for. The leaves are big and long, creating an enticing appearance with interesting color and design. However, the leaves are extremely toxic, so keep your pets away from them. You should allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering your Philodendron. Water monthly in spring and summer and every six to eight weeks in winter and autumn. Grown outside of its natural habitat, the Alocasia odora performs best in greenhouses, but also in shade gardens, where the climate allows growing this plant outdoors. but usually good drainage is also recommended. The leaf patterns on this Alocasia are eerily similar to that of the Dragon Scale, however, the Silver Dragon has silvery green leaves with green primary veins. These plants are both completely different plants than monstera . In the Reversa this pattern is reversed. In contrast to what the "Amazonica" epithet suggests, the plant does not originate from the Amazon jungle or region, as Alocasia is strictly an Asian genus . This specific species of Philodendron prefers shaded areas or low light conditions. As its a tropical plant, the Philodendron loves humid environments and will thrive in a bathroom or kitchen. The Nigra plant, also referred to as the black metallic taro, is a subtle monochromatic plant with a lovely dark green color. This makes them suitable for intermediate to expert plant parents. The leaves have a red underside which is easily seen because Alocasia tips and leaves face upwards. Vastly different from other Alocasias arrow-shaped foliage, the purple sword Alocasia gets its name from the long slender leaves that point towards the sky. Or, you can put it in a hanging basket and let the shiny green leaves brighten up a dull corner of a room or office. The most important care requirement is to protect them from direct sunlight. VARIEGATED FORMS: White, Yellow. The best temperature range is 65-85F (18C - 29C). These leaves have jagged, long teeth and are narrow and skinny. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can burn the leaves. What's the difference between alocasia and Colocasia? Sexual reproduction of the Philodendron is carried out strictly by beetles who handle all the pollination. Tim Anderson who ran Palm Hammock was one place I had bought it from as well as Mr . The Philodendron hederaceum is also named sweetheart plant and Heartleaf Philodendron because of its heart shaped leaves. Tips on Water, pH, & Fertilizing Epiphytic Anthuriums & Philodendrons. And yes, this Alocasia has a lovely smell that is subtle but will breathe some life into your home or garden. A moss pole or plant support are the best things for this. If you want something with a classic and healthy look, this lovely green plant is an excellent addition to your collection. The tips are pointed in the upward direction. Alocasia tubers are smaller, thin, and plain without prominent stripes or eyes. To care for Philodendron Birkin, grow the compact houseplant in indirect sun, fertile well-draining potting mix, and relatively high humidity. Moderation is key when it comes to watering this plant or fertilizing it during the growing season. This post is about the different types of Alocasia plants, how to identify them including photos of the Alocasia varieties and some basic care tips. Its large glossy green lobed leaves capture attention as this large houseplant reflects light to brighten up a room. Differences Between Anthurium And Alocasia. This variety of Alocasia is very susceptible to pests and plant disease, so it requires some extra care and attention to keep healthy and happy! The Alocasia cuprea is a native of humid areas, Borneo in particular. The stems are thick and stocky, giving the plant an overall thick and sturdy appearance. The Alocasia portodora can grow to be quite large. The plant is resilient and will put up with less than ideal conditions for a while before its health declines. Location. Because of its manageable size the plant rarely ever gets taller than 20 inches its suitable for growing even in terrariums, where the warmth and high humidity will make this plant thrive. What is the difference between Hiring and Mercenary? They are an incredibly vibrant green contrasted by pale cream-colored veins on each leaf. Whether youre already obsessed with this perennial family, or if you want to incorporate one into your plant collection, check out these twenty-five stunning varieties of Alocasia! The Xanadu features smooth leaves and possesses a silk-like reflective surface while also having symmetrical lobes up to 16 inches (40 cm) long and 12 inches (30 cm) wide. The leaves can grow to be several inches in length or just a few centimeters, adding some variety to the plant. With Helpful Tips. As with all Philodendron plants, keep the soil moist and dont overwater. The best place to grow a Philodendron moonlight indoors is on a bright windowsill that is shaded from the sun. And it isnt hard to keep them healthy, as they are a low-maintenance Alocasia, especially when kept indoors. The Alocasia longiloba blooms green flowers known as inflorescence. All three of these tropical Aroids also prefer to stay dry when dormant (or as I like to say, they like to sleep in a dry bed . While pothos comes with thick and glossy leaves, a philodendron has a matte finish with elongated tips. Alocasias, commonly called Elephant Ears, are kept as both a house plant and an outdoor plant, particularly in areas with year-round warm weather. Its mature height is 2 feet tall and wide. Unlike fast-growing Philodendron climbers, this upright variety grows slowly. The flowers are small and white and surrounded by a light green spathe. The tree-like Philodendron can grow up to 3 ft. (1 m) and have a spread of around 6 ft. (2 m) outdoors. selloum or P. bipinnatifidum. Its brightly-colored leaves contrast with the pinkish-green stems to create an unusual hanging basket houseplant. Philodendron Florida Beauty Varieties. They are more arrow-shaped or heart-shaped; while Colocasia has matte green leaves and the leaves are more or less round in shape. PSize: 27-35 inches tall. Alocasia Yucatan Princess . The plant grows up to 12 inches in height and width, with leaves that generally span 6 inches long and 2 inches broad. Normally, the color pattern that Alocasia leaves feature is white or light green veins on a dark or medium dark green backdrop. Its a compact Alocasia, which grows only to about a foot tall. Also known by the n ame Pink Princess, it's the most adorable variety of philodendron. here see at the bottom some growers post their experience. Fungal bodies may appear as black dots in the spots, either in rings or in a central cluster. Alocasias grows from a corm, while a Giant Philodendron has a regular root system. A sheer curtain between the window and the plant can help block out the harshest rays if needed. More compact than amazonica. Simply place the desired cutting in the medium. Philodendron plants are tropical flowering plants in the family Araceae. This color combination gives the plant a stunning appearance with large pointed leaves of different shades growing together. This plant has uniquely shaped foliage, where the tips narrow to a string size and the base remains round in shape, representing the outline of a stingray. In lower light conditions the leaves will be more vibrant. The most popular philodendron types: Common Philodendron plants are the heartleaf Philodendron with its long trailing foliage, the velvet-leaf plant, the Brasil Philodendron cultivar, and the stunning Pink Princess. When new leaves grow, the leaves can be a pinkish-purple color. This Alocasia grows no more than 3 feet tall. Its important to check under the leaves for white dots or webbing. But dont feed them in winter as this can lead to an accumulation of salt and ultimately damage their foliage. Their arrowhead-shape and fan-like folded leaves can help identify this Alocasia. HGTV has a good overview of caring for Calycanthus floridus. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. The leaves are also velvety in texture and dont reflect light, making them appear darker than they are. Your email address will not be published. The leaves are a vivacious green and have a smooth, silky texture. 2. The Alocasia originally comes from South East Asia but was commercially grown in Hawaii, where it got the name Alii, meaning king.. In conclusion, philodendron leaves drip water due to the natural processes of transpiration and guttation. It requires a well-draining potting mix and moderate watering. So, an east- or west-facing windowsill would be ideal. $28.99 + $17.99 shipping. The difference between philodendron and alocasia. 2. It also has a distinctive slender tiphaving a similar look to a beetroot plant. Its not an ideal plant for indoor growing, so if you dont live in an area with a climate suitable for growing this plant outdoors, I recommend checking out the other Alocasia types I discuss in this article. But the plant itself loves to be in some shade, as direct sunlight can burn the leaves and dry out the soil. All Rights Reserved. The plant grows up to 1 foot with large elephant ear leaves. Jewel Alocasia is one of the most popular varieties of Alocasia because it is super easy to take care of and not very difficult to find. The leaves are very glossy and leather-like, like many Alocasia varieties. Thin white veins run over the leaves for a lovely contrast. However, many houseplant varieties have heart-shaped leaves that are much smaller. There are a number of houseplants that can grow from leaves alone, provided they have the right care. However, variegated Philodendron plants need bright, filtered light. By accessing this website we assume you accept our. In this article, gardening expert Madison Moulton examines her top tips for keeping your African Violets blooming indoors as long as possible!